Monday 6 August 2012

         Summer Fruit in Turkey    Oh the JOY     of Summer Fruit in Turkey      Oh the JOY!

Peach juice is dripping down my chin.  Down my right arm.  I stand over the kitchen sink slurping ecstatically, sucking the sweet juice from a ripe peach the size of a small melon.  A peach rosy and firm and juicy. 

The peaches have been fabulous this year.  Bigger than I've ever seen peaches.  Deeper in color and flavor.

And the cherries.  Well, it's been a bumper crop.  Dark burgundy red, almost purple cherries.  Firm and sweet and juicy with an intense flavor that screams the very essence of cherryness.  There's always a bowl chilling in my fridge.

And the melons? I am almost speechless as to the joy of melons.  But I must shout to the heavens - like liquid sunshine and honey injected into an ugly rough tan globe.  Or the ones that are hard on the outside, striated in green and yellow, and inside a pale green that flows into an apricot yellow as it nears its center.  A taste that personifies ultimate palatal delight.

And all so cheap from my local manav, greengrocer's which is run by a Kurdish family.  When I walk in one man always shouts: "Hello Madame!"  He says something in Turkish and asks how to say it in English.  I fill my backpack with fresh produce, pay the equivalent of $5, and saunter the shady back streets, through the hot sticky Istanbul  afternoon, to devour my produce at home.  In complete and utter joy

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